Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Kadam Flower

Kadam/Kadambo is a indigenous flower of Bangladesh and India region. Its scientific name is Neolamarckia cadamba and this flower belongs to Rubiaceae family. There are some other varieties of Kadam/Kadambo flower in Bangladesh. Flowers look like almost the same, but the trees grow in different size and leaves are also different in shape and size. They are known in Bangladesh as ‘’Guli Kadam’’/ ‘’Kaim’’ and ‘’Giri Kadam’’. Scientific names of these species are Nauclea orientalis, Haldina cordifolia.
The Hindus regarded Kadam/Kadambo tree as a sacred tree and believed to be the favorite one of Lord Krishna. Radha and Krishna are supposed to have conducted their love play in the hospitable and sweet-scented shade of the Kadam/Kadambo tree. There are a number of mythological stories in which this tree has been mentioned. Kadam/Kadambo is mentioned in the ‘’Bhagavata Purana’’ (a sacred book of Hindu religion, more than 5000 years old).

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